Authentic Emotional Support Animal Letter
Millions of residents in the US suffer varying types and levels of mental conditions annually. These include PTSD, depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, among others. With a diagnosis of mental illness, most people will reach for costly drugs that also come with varying side effects. Emotional support animals {ESAs} are among the best mental therapy aides.
Emotional support animals and mental health
People with ESAs are granted specific rights like being allowed to access places that do not allow pets provided they have a letter. This letter is much like a recommendation from a mental health professional ascertaining that you suffer from a mental or psychological condition and that the animal will be therapeutic to you.
Several online and physical locations exist issuing ESA letters, but some are only out to fleece you with fake letters. Here are the elements your ESA letter should have to guarantee its authenticity.
An Official Letterhead
If your ESA letter does not have an official letterhead with credentials, then it is most likely fake. The letterhead, in this instance, should be that of a medical professional. Legitimate companies have branded letterheads detailing the name of the medic, his/her license type and registration number, and the contact details of the company.
Details of the ESA
For your letter to be legitimate, it should include details of the animal you want to use as an ESA. These are the type and breed of animal in question along with its name and certificate ID number. The certificate, in this case, will be issued later, but there is space left on the letter for its number.
Date of Issuance and Expiry
Your ESA letter will need renewal after the expiry of a set timeframe. An ESA letter without its date of issuance and expiry will be considered illegitimate by a court of law. In most states, an ESA letter is valid for a year after its original issuance.
Registration of the Mental Health Professional’s License
When applying for your letter, ensure the medic that drafts it is registered in your state of residence. Though the ACAA, ADA, and FHA that register medics are under federal civil rights regulations, each state has its licensing board. The doctor that drafts your ESA letter should, therefore, have a separate license allowing him/her to practice in your state for your letter to be valid.
The Validity of the Medic’s License
When assessing the license of the mental health professional drafting your ESA letter, check for its validity. The license should, for instance, be up-to-date based on the renewal regulations in your state. In California, for example, the medics should renew their licenses every two years.
Emotional support animal letters
Confirmation of Your Need for an ESA
Your letter should also confirm that you need an ESA to manage a mental health condition. Without this confirmation, your ESA letter will be incomplete. The letter, in most instances, will specifically mention the mental health disorder being managed by the animal’s presence.
Some people assume that there is little to no harm in having a fake ESA letter and would thus instead settle for the cheapest provider. This is, however, a felony crime that can lead to jail time. In some states, having a fake ESA letter attracts fines of up to $125000.
It is, therefore, essential for you to get an authentic ESA letter with the above validating details. Before settling on a company and paying for your letter, have a sample copy from the issuing company. With this, you can ascertain that all the necessary details for validating your ESA letter are included. At ESA care, you can rest assured of
Get Your ESA letter appointment now!
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