Physiological Effects Of Emotional Support Animal Therapy
Scientifically speaking, there are a number of reasons why an Emotional Support Animal can do much to support strong mental health. At a basic level, consider what you’ve learned about things like serotonin and endorphins. recently released an article, which points out just a few minutes of petting a puppy releases not only serotonin but oxytocin and prolactin.
Now that’s for just anybody; even if you don’t have emotional issues predicating an ESA. Animals like dogs or cats release endorphins into the body as well, which act as analgesics.
Caffeine is an analgesic or “pain reliever”. While caffeine helps relieve pain, since it’s not natural to the body, it surrogates other naturally occurring analgesics the body produces, facilitating a chemical dependency.
ESA can improve your overall mental health. Click the button below to get your ESA letter.
Don’t Quit Coffee Cold Turkey Unless You Like Headaches
If you drink a lot of coffee, and one day you quit cold turkey, you may very well get a headache. This is because the body becomes used to the external production of caffeine, and so reduces internal production of a similar natural compound.
When the caffeine is subtracted from bodily homeostasis, there’s a sort of “void”, and you get a headache for the evening. Accordingly, seeking analgesic solutions as naturally produced within the body represents a wiser solution than external supplementation.
For everyday people with no mental health issues, pets will do this. Dogs, cats, birds, and in some cases even fish produce such analgesic responses in the body. This is core to the science behind ESA efficacy.
Individual Analgesic Reactions from Daily Activities
It’s not just animals that produce such physiological responses which have an emotional impact, and a physical impact, on your health. That which personally gives you joy will have similar effects on the mind.
The key is learning to configure your mind in an emotional way such that you can achieve endorphin release from everyday activities. In a word, one must learn to be “content” at all times with all things.
Here’s the thing: that’s not easy for those who have suffered a severe loss in their lives, or been the victim of substantial trauma. Legitimate Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is something recognized not only on the battlefield but in conventional civilian life as well.
Best Therapy Animals
Conditions Like PTSD Are Helped Through ESA Therapy
Someone who came out of an extremely abusive relationship or home situation may very well experience PTSD. Abuse, disaster, harassment, persecution–all can produce emotional effects equatable to PTSD. Canines are especially appropriate in terms of ESA therapy for victims of PTSD, and for varying reasons.
Sometimes individuals don’t even realize PTSD is what they are contending with. When the mind becomes focused on something negative of this variety, it becomes hard to notice–or think about–other positive things. An ESA can help where pharmaceutical or therapeutic solutions don’t. Animals have their own level of intelligence and their own emotional hangups.
An ESA can help you to deal with PTSD. Click the button below to get your ESA letter.
Symbiotic Relationships Between Injured Humans And Animals
An abused dog can feel the effects of PTSD much like a human being. Strangely, ESA options aren’t restricted to only “healthy” animals. There’s an old saying–it’s better to give than to receive. It turns out at a scientific level this is true, owing to the physiological response within the chemical makeup of the body itself. Caring for a hurt animal can act on a person positively, and vice versa for the animal.
When you’re “giving” yourself, this has a positive psychological effect. While many ESAs are perfectly healthy animals, some people who’ve suffered find themselves more therapeutically affected by nursing a similarly injured animal back to health. Because there’s something else scientific to consider when it comes to ESA therapy: every single individual is different, and there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution.
Some animals will work better for some individuals than others, and because of the subjective nature of reality which has made this a key feature of the emerging ESA medical field, it is recommendable for individuals considering such solutions to seek the assistance of professionals.
Benefits of Therapy Animals
Everybody Is Different
Serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins, and other chemicals acting in a positive or otherwise analgesic way on the body will be released for different reasons by different people. For example, consider cultural foods and music.
While some people who aren’t from a bucolic community don’t find “country” music agreeable, for millions of Americans, this is precisely the sort of melodic sound that brings them to a sort of comfortable nostalgic remembrance of their childhood.
Accordingly, the positive emotions they feel as they listen to such music may contribute to the release of biological analgesics in the body, physiologically acting in a therapeutic “upward spiral” positively impacting mental health.
Meanwhile, the classic rock aficionado might have exactly the opposite response when Merle Haggard comes on. Well, it’s the same with animal therapy. For some people, some animals at varying stations in their own life cycle may be more or less appropriate in a therapeutic sense.
ESAs can help you to deal with anxiety. Click the button below to get your ESA letter.
Where To Find ESA Therapy Solutions?
Because of such subjectivity in therapy, it makes a lot of sense to seek solutions from those who are already on the cutting edge of ESA options regarding mental health. You might look into recently developed professional options. To set up an appointment for you or a loved one with a trained specialist, you can find multiple contact materials at our ESA Care website.
Contact Us at ESACare for a valid ESA letter or click the banner below to book your appointment.
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