5 Activities To Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors
Dogs are fun. From taking walks together to being snuggle partners indoors, these furry friends are the perfect companions. For starters, they improve your mental health by reducing anxiety, stress, and loneliness. They also boost cardiovascular health, with past studies revealing lower blood pressure among dog owners. In return, the least you can do is keep your dog entertained indoors and ensure their safety.
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Additionally, a bored dog may resort to destructive activities like shredding books to stay entertained. However, understanding dog behavior isn’t always easy. Sometimes, feeding your pet isn’t enough to make them feel safe. It’s even harder to keep your dog entertained indoors if it’s new to your home. The good news is you don’t have to be a dog behavior specialist to know how to keep your dog entertained while working from home. Here are things to do to keep your dog entertained.
Entertain Your Pet With Indoor Games
Games are some of the things to keep your dog entertained and strengthen your relationship with the pet. Likewise, entertaining indoor games boost your dog’s physical wellness by lubricating their joints, improving coordination, and maintaining healthy organs. Pet owners can also use this opportunity to keep fit.
Additionally, games keep your dog entertained indoors by providing mental stimulation. Indoor brain games improve your pet’s focus and problem-solving skills. Entertaining indoor games also relieve your pet’s anxiety, especially if they have been inactive all day. The first game to keep your dog entertained indoors is hide and seek. Your dog should sit still until you reach your hiding spot. The dog can use their tracking ability to locate you.
Don’t forget to praise your dog during the indoor game for finding you. Another game to keep your dog entertained indoors is a tug of war. Start by establishing rules. Your dog should master the release command before the game begins. Again, choose a flexible toy for the indoor game that is durable and comfortable for both you and your canine friend.
Forms of Discipline Your Dog
Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors With Radios and Televisions
TVs and radios keep your dog entertained indoors in several ways. First off, they keep your dog entertained while you’re away. Music and conversations from the television and radio make them feel like someone is around. If a dog was abandoned before, it might get stressed when its owners are away. A 2017 Physiology & Behavior study associated reggae and soft rock with relaxed dog behavior. Remember to turn down the volume. Loud music may leave your pet more anxious than calm. If you’re looking for a show to keep your dog entertained, you can try dog programs. Your pet recognizes another dog on television and their barking sounds. Another show to keep dogs entertained indoors is nature programs. Dogs enjoy nature’s sounds such as chirping birds and rushing waters and gushing wind.
Radios and TVs also muffle unpleasant sounds. Outside noises like screams, fireworks, and blaring horns can make your dog anxious, especially when they don’t see familiar faces. Note that dog behavior around televisions differs from humans. For starters, dogs are more interactive and fidgety. They often approach screens for a closer look instead of keeping still like humans watching TV indoors. Similarly, dogs perceive color differently because of their dichromatic vision. Their color receptors limit their vision to yellow and blue spectrums.
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Positive Punishment
Your dog won’t always behave well indoors. Though you can correct your pet, avoid cruel punishment.
Dogs respond better to correction when you catch them red-handed. Your pet won’t understand the punishment when you reprimand them for past actions. Present an approved option after stopping unacceptable behavior. For example, you can provide a chew toy when you catch the dog eating your shoe.
Consider your pet’s health when correcting them. Assuming your puppy continues to pee everywhere after indoor potty training, you might need a vet to check them for urinary tract infections. Most importantly, reinforce good behavior. You can pat your pet or offer food treats to show your approval.
Create a Safe Sleeping Environment
The first step of improving your dog’s sleeping environment is getting a comfortable bed. Beds provide your pet with an escape whenever they feel anxious or need some time alone. Beds also keep the animal well-rested to elevate its mood and improve cell regeneration and immune function. The bed size is crucial to your pet’s sleep quality. The bed should accommodate all your pet’s natural sleeping positions. If you have several dogs that don’t mind snuggling indoors, buy a bed they can comfortably share.
The material also matters. The bed should contain sufficient padding for maximum comfort. Likewise, choose easy-wash fabrics to prevent odor. Your pet’s individual needs also come into play. For instance, orthopedic beds are ideal for your pet’s aching joints. You can place the bed in a warm spot away from distractions. This goes together with creating a routine. Going for walks and feeding your dog at the same time each day makes it easier to put them to sleep. If your dog still cannot sleep, feel free to see a vet.
Fun Tricks with Dog
Entertain Them Indoors by Teaching Them Tricks
Dogs prefer routine to spontaneity. But while too much uncertainty disorients your canine friend, there’s nothing wrong with introducing new tricks to keep them entertained indoors. In addition to strengthening your bond, training your pet increases their physical stamina and learning response. Indoor trick training also releases excess energy and teaches your dog how to handle stressful situations. That way, your pet remains calm instead of barking and biting. The tricks don’t have to be complicated.
You can start by teaching them easy tricks like fetch. Though most dogs can instinctively pull off this trick, it doesn’t come easy to some pets. Throw a ball a short distance away and encourage your dog to chase it. Once the dog masters the game, you can throw the toy a little further and reward them for recovering the object. Another trick is rolling over. After your dog lies down, transfer your hand from their nose to shoulder to prompt them to roll over. You can also teach the animal to play dead. This trick is easier if they know how to roll over. You can use treats, verbal cues, and hand signals to keep them on the ground longer.
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Dogs aren’t only useful indoors; you also need your furry friend to make your travel less stressful. Dogs also enjoy leaving the house for some fresh air. You can bring some of your pet’s indoor toys to keep them entertained.
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