3 Mental Health Benefits Of Pets By 14 Famous Pet Lovers
Having a pet improves not only your mental health but also of your dear little friend. 14 famous pet lovers agree that having a pet can help your mental health in many ways. Most mental health issues are always attributed to loneliness or lack of appropriate company. Humans do not always offer good company, and a pet would do better for mental health issues. Like the famous pet lovers suggest, cases of depression, anxiety, and restlessness are always alleviated by a favorite pet. The right company and companionship of a pet are essential to divert depressing thoughts and calming down a mental health patient.
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1. Kinsey Schofield
Kinsey Schofield is a famous American journalist. She was a contestant on E! Television’s Party Monsters Cabo reality show.
I have four morkies (Maltese-Yorkie mixes) that have improved my mental well-being immensely.
- Going outside and experiencing nature is often recommended when it comes to mental health maintenance. Having four dogs that love to explore ensures that I spend plenty of time outside. My pups especially love the beach, which is a quick drive over to Malibu. Living vicariously through their joy related to new smells and feels is faulous.
- I believe it helps my mental health feel like I am contributing to the world beyond taking care of myself. Offering love, shelter, food, and grooming my pups gives me more purpose, and I am grateful for it.
- I can’t quite explain the next one, but my dogs bring me a sense of peace. I think about it often. When Roo stares at me as he snuggles into my chest, I can’t explain the bliss that rushes over me, but I am forever thankful to the universe for giving us dogs.
2. Lauri Lowenberg
Lauri Lowenberg is a renowned dream analyst.
I rescued my golden tabby Sigmund off the streets 4 years ago, and he shows his gratitude every day. Without a doubt, he has improved my mental well-being by:
- Elevating my mood every time I see him. His little face is so cute; I smile inside and out when he walks by.
- Nothing is more calming than a cat purr.
- When I have him on my lap, on his back, HE HOLDS MY FACE WITH HIS PAWS!! I burst at the seams with love when he does this. I experience love, joy, calm, and gratitude every single day, thanks to my precious little rescue kitty.
3. Rayne Hall
Rayne Hall is a fantasy and horror writer, editor of the Ten Tales anthology series and author of the bestselling Writer’s Craft series.
- When I visited a cat rescue shelter to choose a pet, a young cat rubbed against me. Nobody wanted to adopt this sweet-natured gentle boy, simply because he was black. After I brought him home and he settled in, he was so happy to have a home and love at last! Giving a home to Sulu gives a purpose to my life. On dark days, when I want to crawl under the blankets and hide, the responsibility of caring for Sulu keeps me going.
- It’s great to have a companion, someone to talk to who enjoys listening, who purrs when I pet him, who joins me on walks in the countryside, who snuggles against me at night. With Sulu by my side, I never feel alone.
- Most importantly, Sulu appreciates me. After a lonely, restricted life in the shelter, he’s grateful for what I give him: love, a comfortable home, a safe outdoor territory to roam, tasty food, companionship. Humans rarely show much appreciation for what we do for them, but Sulu appreciates me, which puts a smile in my heart.
4. Lacey Dunn
Lacey Dunn, MS, RD is a functional medicine dietitian who helps women to reclaim their health and become the boss of their own bodies.
My fur babies give me a sense of calm and security, which serves as a stress shieldwhen life gets chaotic. I can always count on them for giving me love and attention when I need it and for putting a smile on my face when I’m in the dumps. As an introvert, having my 3 legged dogs, Gabe, also helps me be more social and interact with others!
5. Carley Stenson
Carley Anne Stenson is an English actress and singer, best known for playing Steph Cunningham in the Channel 4 series.
Whenever I think of my furry boys, I smile. They instantly lift my mood. Whenever I walk past an animal or see one sitting on their home window sill, I can’t help but grin back at them like a Cheshire Cat. They only know the here and now and make me appreciate that moment. If I’ve ever felt down or ill, my boys know and don’t leave my side. They give me such comfort, and streaking their fur is always relaxing and therapeutic. Animals are great examples of how to live, just at the moment. They teach us to love unconditionally, to be loyal, and to forgive and forget. They teach us to switch off and relax. Nothing needs to be done. They ground and stabilize us.
6. Carolyn Hennesy
She is an actress and producer, known for Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003), Click (2006) and Legally Blonde 2 (2003).
First off, companion in my case must be changed to companions as I have four of the most charming and emotionally supportive animals…on…the…planet. Overall, the three largest ways my animals improve my mental well-being—the actual number of ways large and small is limitless—would be
- Physically sensing the “blues” and actively moving in for closer contact, little heartbeats are inordinately calming and cheering.
- The demand for constant petting, once started, goes a long way to clearing your head of anything other than the task at hand, i.e., “put your hand back where it was and don’t stop petting me…EVER!”;
- There is no room for ill or so-so mental health when you can witness little legs trying to navigate tall front yard grass.
7. Kat Perkins
Kat Perkins is an American singer and songwriter. She appeared on The Voice season 6 and advanced to the television show’s semi-finals.
- Owning these cats has been integral to my mental health in so many ways. For instance, I never feel ‘alone.’ Don’t get me wrong, I definitely like to be alone as a single gal, but I never FEEL alone with my cats.
- Secondly, when I’m winding down from a long day, I love to sit and watch TV with them and pet them. It’s almost like meditation for me. It helps me relax and calm down from the hustle of life.
- Lastly, they’re always a shoulder to cry on. When I am sad, it’s almost like they understand me and cater to me to help me feel better – smart little creatures, I tell ya. Forever a cat lover indeed.
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8. Maryanne Chisholm
Maryanne Chisholm is an acclaimed Surreal Painter and Illustrator. Her work has shown in Galleries Internationally and across the nation.
I believe there are many ways that my mental health and will has been improved by our dog Freya, and our kitten, Kismet.
- They offer unconditional love, readily available all the time regardless of what’s going on in the world.
- They remind me to slow down and appreciate little things like tenderness and affection. I find myself less stressed, my anxiety decreases, and grateful for the companionship.
- This year was challenging for many of us. They made life better.
9. Catherine Carrigan
Catherine Carrigan is a medical intuitive healer, Amazon No. 1 bestselling author and host of the Natural Healing Show for UK Health Radio.
Every morning I consciously start my day to be as happy as possible. My cocker spaniel Dixie is a big part of that process. After prayer and meditation, I tickle her tummy and say, “It’s another happy day being Dixie, and it’s another happy day being Dixie’s mommy!” We take short walks together throughout the day, looking and listening for owls that live in the forest next to my home. At night she snuggles with me while practicing yoga or watching a movie. Dixie is truly my best friend.
10. Sarah Bailey
Sarah is an ethical and trustworthy blogger who can be counted upon for unbiased reviews.
There are many ways that animals can help with your wellbeing, from making you get out of the house if you have a dog to just making you get up if they need food and care. For me, I’ve found animals can really help soothe me, and these are three ways I have found to calm me.
- Something about just stroking and spending time with an animal that relaxes and calms me. The repetitive motions, plus soft fur, makes for a great self-soothing technique.
- A big thing for me is not liking being alone. An animal means you are never alone from them being snuggled beside you to feel their presence in your home. There is always a being to talk to and tell all your secrets, and they will always listen.
- Animals have a unique view of life, and often it is almost as if they understand how you are feeling. They are more than happy to curl up with you when you’re at your worst and celebrate with you at your best. Sometimes they even seem to understand how you are coping and what you need better than you do.
11. Joey Aldridge
Scientist, Author, Animal lover.
I believe that pets can read us and understand when we are sad, angry, or scared. They do not judge us, nor do they expect anything other than love, food, and shelter and, in the case of my black lab Nelson, “lots of cuddles, snuggles and belly rubbles!” Finally, their love for us is unconditional: you rarely find human friends quite so altruistic, and therapists can be expensive!
12. Coti Howell
Coti Howell is a content creator + Journalist and Social Media Consultant.
I’m blessed to have a rescue lab mix that helps my mental well-being in many ways.
- He significantly improves my stress and anxiety just by existing.
- If I’m struggling with grief or sadness, he has a way of always making me laugh. It’s amazing how they know what their owners need.
- If that wasn’t enough, having him around decreases loneliness. That’s so important right now in these weird times.
13. Aubrey Blanche
Aubrey Blanche is The Mathpath (Math Nerd + Empath), Global Head of Equitable Design & Impact at Culture Amp, and a startup investor and advisor.
My dog, Darwin, improves my quality of life and mental health in many ways.
- As someone with significant trauma and PTSD, he provides comfort when I’m anxious or struggling.
- When I’m grappling with depression and motivation, he explains why I move and get outside–key parts of supporting my brain to heal and get back to balance.
- As an adoptee, I also often struggle with attachment and bonding issues. He’s a stable source of love (gotta love that he’s thrilled *every* time I come home, even if all I did was take out the garbage!) that provides me a ton of comfort and stability. And frankly, he’s pretty darn cute: I read that just looking at your pet gives you a hit of dopamine.
14. Theodora Blanchfield
Theodora Blanchfield is a Los Angeles-based writer whose work has appeared in Women’s Health, Bustle, Cosmopolitan and more.
My dog is the light of my life! She improves my life and mental health in so many ways, but top 3:
- Though I’m active anyway, she gets me out and walking even more!
- I’m kind of shy, and having her has been a great way to talk to even more people.
- I am single and live alone and often feel lonely, but having my furry little friend by my side helps with that.
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Pets are keenly tuned to people and our behavior and sentiments. Dogs and cats can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, decrease loneliness, encourage playfulness, and even improve our heart health. Pets also provide valuable companionship for older people. Most importantly, a pet can add real joy and absolute love to your life.
Sulu and I thank you for featuring us. 🙂
Your story is inspiring, Rayne. We love Sulu!
Sulu thanks you, and asks if you will stroke his nose please? From the tip upwards until between the ears. Thank you. Purrrrrrr.
We would love to!
Thank you for this article.
I was pleasantly surprised to see, here, my favorite contemporary writer Rayne Hall whose horror stories (Thirty Scary Tales, the Bride’s Curse) I love to read and re-read.
Keep up the good work!
I too am a cat guardian, totally owned by her little self. I first saw Rayne Hall on twitter because of her cat, Sulu. I started reading her Writing Craft books, The Word Loss Diet is one of my favorites. Helps new writers learn the filter words they should be using helps they recognize the words they use the most. Writing Vivid Emotions is another good one that really helped me. And Creating your Brand really help me create mine.
Thanks for sharing, Melissa.