Qualifying for an ESA Letter: The Ultimate 2020 Guide
Did you have a long, difficult day at work? Maybe you could not wait to get home and see your pet as soon as you walked in the door? Do you daydream about getting away for a vacation with your pet? If you struggle with anxiety, seeing your pet after a long day at work can be the best part of your day. It is a time where you can let go of your worries, regroup, and prepare yourself for the next day.
Improve your mental health by keeping your ESA pet close by – get your ESA letter today!
Table of Contents
Getting an ESA Letter
However, in our not-so-perfect world, you cannot just take your pet anywhere. You must go through a certain process to obtain the documentation that you need to be free to bring your pet wherever you like.
This might seem like it is a difficult thing to accomplish, especially if you are already drained from anxiety. But the process can be quite simple if you know exactly what you need to do. Get an Emotional Support Animal Letter!
If you do a simple Google search, you are likely to stumble upon a million websites telling you that an ESA letter can be the answer to your problems. Instead of spending valuable time and money in endless therapy sessions, an emotional support animal can help reduce your stress and anxiety.
The problem is that it is difficult to find a trusted source online. One that will both give you detailed information on how to apply for the ESA letter and successfully qualify for it.
The good news is that we have combed through all the information available on the internet regarding the process to obtain an ESA letter. In our ultimate guide, we help you understand the entire process and provide you with answers to any questions you might have along the way.
So, let’s get started!
1. Simple Basics that You Should Know About ESA Letters
Let’s begin by explaining what ESA means, which is “emotional support animal.” This term refers to an animal that is always needed to be by your side to help you cope with your mental health issues. Unlike a service animal, an ESA does not require special training.
Pets that qualify to be an ESA include such domesticated animals as:
- Cats
- Dogs
- Ferrets
- Birds
- Rabbits
- Rats
- Mice
- Hedgehogs
- Mini Pigs
But to make your pet capable of being an ESA, you must train it to behave properly around people and it must also be housebroken, where applicable.
An Emotional Support Animal is more than a pet – Click the button below.
There are different approaches to treating mental health problems like medication and therapy. However, having an emotional support animal is a naturally therapeutic tool that benefits your mental health and allows you the companionship of your pet in places where you normally would not be allowed to take them. These places could include your workplace or while traveling on an airplane.
Having a support animal can make your life easier, especially if you suffer from mental health issues like:
- PTSD, traumas, stress
- Cognitive and learning difficulties
- Panic attacks
- Issues related to motor skills
- Bipolar disorder
- Depression
- Substance abuse
- Anxiety and fears, etc.
Having an ESA letter opens the door to being able to take your pet with you anywhere. Once you have gone through a credible certification process, you can bring your pet with you to places like:
- Airports and plane flights
- Places that have a strict no-pet policy
- Your workplace or office
- A new home with a no-pet policy
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What exactly is an ESA letter?
An emotional support animal (ESA) letter is an official letter that is approved by a licensed mental health professional. It gives you the opportunity to have your pet with you at all times, such as when you are traveling or if renting a home where pets are not permitted.
It is a well-known fact that having a pet around you is considered one of the best remedies to soothe anxiety. An ESA can help you deal with stress and mental challenges you may face throughout the day by providing emotional support.
A therapist or medical doctor evaluates your mental health condition and then decides whether having an ESA would be beneficial to you. If he or she decides yes, then they would issue you an ESA letter. But be advised, this document is just the beginning of the certification process to be approved for an ESA. You must go through the proper procedure to put your ESA approval letter into effect.
What are its types?
There are three types of ESA letters:
- ESA travel letters
- ESA letters for housing
- ESA combo letters (for travel and housing)
The ESA travel letter can allow you to travel with your pet, including that long-term vacation with your pet you may have thought about. You can take your pet on flights that don’t usually permit pets onboard. The letter expires after a year and must be renewed each year to continue traveling with your ESA.
Travel with ease – Get your ESA letter now!
You do need to keep in mind that you will need to abide by the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) in managing your pet by properly arranging for a safe travel experience. You are responsible for making sure that your letter is in accordance with any required travel laws. Your pet must be trained enough so that it does not pose a threat or disturbance to other passengers.
Emotional Support Animal Letter Housing
An ESA housing letter gives you the opportunity to live in a rented home with your bet. The Fair Housing Act asks landlords to be indifferent toward emotional support animals and to allow them in their buildings without discriminating against tenants who have them, e.g., charging an extra fee for having a pet. Unlike the ESA travel letter, the housing letter is a one-time thing. You do not need to renew the letter each year.
The combination letter combines both traveling and housing in one letter. It can be used when requesting proper arrangements for your ESA while traveling or renting a home that would otherwise not allow pets or charge a fee for pets.
Who exactly can issue an ESA letter?
An ESA letter can be issued by a mental health professional, such as a doctor or therapist. The professional must be licensed in your state. If he or she is not licensed in your state, then the ESA will be invalid.
Unfortunately, there are some people online that will offer fake letters. It is important to be aware of such websites and doctors. Some may be random doctors and do not keep up with their patients’ mental health conditions. Therefore, it makes it unlawful for them to issue an ESA letter.
Can a physician write an ESA letter?
Not just any physician can issue an ESA letter, including your family doctor. A physician is only qualified to approve a service animal if you need one. However, he or she doesn’t have the authority to analyze or make a judgment regarding your mental state. Therefore, they cannot issue a valid ESA letter.
Only a licensed mental health professional can issue an ESA letter after thoroughly reviewing your mental health condition. You need to also make sure that the professional uses his or her official letterhead when writing the letter. Otherwise, the letter will not be valid.
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2. The Ultimate List of Requirements for an ESA Letter
So, here we will discuss what is the basic criteria for qualifying for a valid ESA letter and how you can get approved.
Who can qualify for an ESA letter?
To qualify for an ESA letter, you must meet the criteria for it. It doesn’t mean that your mental health condition will be disregarded in any manner. There are certain laws in place that are designed to enable you to get the letter approved.
Having an emotional support animal with you can be the most effective treatment for dealing with mental health problems. An ESA can give you the ability to comfortably live your life if you suffer from issues like:
- Mental disorder
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Mental disability
Individuals who have extreme physical disabilities or limitations typically seek help from service animals because they are the best source of support. These animals are specifically trained to meet the patient’s particular physical needs and to perform certain tasks.
An emotional support animal does not require this type of intensive training. Their purpose is to be your constant companion to help keep you calm. However, you do need to make sure that your ESA is well-mannered and completely safe to take into any public place.
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What are the basic requirements of an ESA letter?
You might be wondering how this single piece of paper is the key to allowing you to have the company of your pet wherever you go. However, an ESA letter attests that you require an emotional support animal to soothe and comfort your mental disorders, especially if you suffer from anxiety or depression.
If you want to obtain a valid ESA letter, you need to meet certain criteria associated with a mental disorder. This letter needs to be written by a licensed mental health professional who is licensed to practice in the state where you live. The professional also needs to be capable of correctly judging your mental condition.
What are the basic elements of an ESA letter?
You do not need to be a detective to spot a fake letter. A valid ESA letter contains various basic elements that are crucial to making it a functional tool for receiving approval for an emotional support animal.
The ESA letter should include:
- The patient’s complete name.
- The details regarding the patient’s condition. This includes both mental as well as physical health status.
- The schedule or the time frame since the start of treatment. This will indicate the starting time of your doctor’s assistance and enable you to track it.
- The major or minor impacts of your disorders on others or your surroundings.
- Some solid reasons to prove the importance of an emotional support animal in helping your condition.
- The license number of your therapist.
- The dates of issuance and expiration of your letter.
- The doctor or therapist’s complete name.
- The doctor’s signature.
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3. How to Quickly Get a Legitimate ESA Letter
Now that we have explained the basics of ESA letters, let’s discuss how you can go about getting a legitimate letter, quickly.
Getting an ESA letter
How do I get the prescription for an ESA letter?
It is now easier to get a letter stating your need for an emotional support animal. Why? Because this treatment method has gained popularity as an effective alternative to medication and other therapies.
It is common for people with severe anxiety or depression to have their pet right alongside when they are in public places. Having the constant company of your trusted pet can be the best way to treat your specific mental health condition and feel less isolated and lonely. With an ESA, you can once again live a happy and normal life.
To quickly get a prescription for a legitimate ESA letter, there are two approaches:
- Online method
- An in-person visit with a mental health professional
In what follows, we will discuss which method might be the easiest for you.
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Why choose the online path?
Today, almost anything can be done online, and this includes getting an ESA letter. There are many websites that offer the ability to obtain a valid letter within the comfort of your own home.
Choosing to get an ESA letter online can be a faster and more cost-effective approach, especially if you do not physically want to go to a doctor’s office or have a busy schedule. Getting a letter online from a therapist is the most efficient path to a legitimate ESA letter.
However, you do need to be extra careful when choosing an online source for your ESA letter. You are at a higher risk of being scammed. Therefore, you need to watch for major red flags, including what might seem like a super cheap price. If you think the price you are being offered is too good to be true, it probably is so back away from it right away!
There are a few basic steps to getting your ESA letter online.
- The ESA letter website will require you to fill out an easy online form. This helps you describe your mental health condition without having to go through the awkwardness of opening up to a therapist face-to-face.
- The website then offers to direct you with a licensed medical health professional who will analyze your condition.
- If you meet the criteria, you will be approved for your ESA letter.
Go visit your doctor!
If you are skeptical about seeking your ESA letter online, you could visit a therapist or other licensed mental health professional to discuss your mental health concerns to request a valid letter. There is no guarantee that the professional you visit will approve you for an ESA letter because they may believe in other methods to treat your concerns. Some doctors do not consider emotional support animals as a valid treatment.
However, if you do find a mental health professional who recognizes the validity of ESAs, the process should include:
- You holding nothing back and being completely open as to your need for an emotional support animal
- Asking that the therapist or doctor write an ESA letter for you and to add in the details as to why you require an ESA
- Making sure that the doctor writes the letter on his or her official letterhead
Once you have successfully obtained an ESA letter from doctor, you can now relax and not worry about being hassled about bringing your pet to public places or at the airport. But don’t forget that you need to make sure that your pet is completely safe to be around and does not misbehave in public areas.
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4. How to Detect a Fake Letter Right Away!
Whether you are getting an ESA letter from an online service or from a mental health professional, there is still a chance that you might have been scammed. You need to be able to spot a fake letter at a glance. Otherwise, you could find yourself having problems when you attempt to use your letter.
Because fake letter scams are quite popular among online sources, we offer these explicit tips that can help you identify a fraudulent service right away.
Did you get a blank copy of your ESA letter?
The most basic step to spotting a fake letter is to request a blank copy of one from your chosen ESA provider. Thoroughly read through and analyze the copy when you receive it. Make sure that the necessary details are clearly listed in the letter. This will allow any future reader to understand that you have a condition and are permitted to have an emotional support animal with you.
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If you see something that is missing from the letter, ask the provider about it, and judge their response. Also, if the company is not willing to provide you with a blank copy, this should serve as a red flag that you should not use them.
Is your therapist or doctor licensed to practice in your state?
It can be easy to miss this one tiny, but extremely important detail if you have never gotten an ESA letter before. The therapist you are consulting with must be licensed and authorized to work in your state. You need to check that the professional’s license is valid in your state. If they are not licensed in your state, your ESA letter will not be legal, and you could find yourself being embarrassed when trying to use it in public.
Spotting a Fake ESA letter
Is your therapist’s license still valid?
Just because a therapist shows you proof that he or she is licensed in your state, it does not absolutely mean that the license is still valid. The onus is on you to make sure that their license is valid. You also want to make sure that the individual knows how to do his or her job.
It is possible to check a therapist’s or doctor’s license number with the state. You will want to find out such details as to when the license was issued when it expires, and if it is up for renewal. If everything looks good, you are likely dealing with a legitimate ESA letter provider.
Don’t wait anymore – Get your ESA letter in a few easy steps!
5. Watch the Details on Your ESA Letter
Once you receive your ESA letter, you will want to carefully examine it to make sure that it is not the product of a fake scheme. Doing so will help you avoid problems and embarrassment when you go to use your letter.
Is your ESA letter written on the official letterhead?
First things first! Is your ESA letter written on the mental health professional’s official letterhead? A letter that is written on anything other than the official letterhead is not going to pass as a valid letter.
The official letterhead used for the ESA letter should show as much information about the professional’s credibility, including not only their name but also his or her:
- Acquired degree
- Where he or she earned the degree
- Contact information, including phone number and address of his or her office
If these important details are missing from the letterhead, you could have difficulty proving the credibility of your ESA letter. The more transparency that is evidenced in your ESA letter, the more likely your letter will be accepted as a legal document.
Overcome anxiety with your ESA pet – Click the button below.
Does your ESA letter state detailed concerns?
Your ESA letter should provide relevant details. A legitimate letter will explicitly provide the information needed to ensure that it will be accepted as valid. If relevant information is missing or not accurate, you could have difficulty registering your current pet as your emotional support animal.
The ESA letter should why you need an emotional support animal along with information that includes:
- Your current ESA’s name
- Type of animal
- The date that the ESA letter was issued
- The expiration date of the ESA letter
Are dates of issuance and expiration included in your letter?
The dates of issuance and expiration are two dates that are crucial in your ESA letter. They are a sign that you have a genuine ESA letter that can be tracked for its validity. If your letter does not have dates included in it, it will not be considered valid and it is likely you were scammed. The expiration date also serves as a reminder of when you will need to renew your letter when a yearly renewal is required, as with a travel letter. Just a quick reminder, a housing ESA letter does not have an expiration date because it does not need to be renewed each year.
ESA pet can be a great companion during a mental breakdown – Click the button below.
Is your ESA letter cheap or expensive?
It is natural to want to pay as little as possible for something you want to buy. However, the cost for an ESA letter can differ depending on the website or the therapist you are consulting with. Another factor to consider is the state where you are getting the letter from because not all states make it easy for such letters.
The average cost for an ESA letter is approximately $200 more or less. If you intend to price shop, you should make sure you are doing so with providers within your state. Be aware that you will need to renew your traveling ESA letter every year. Therefore, you need to consider the cost to renew each year. If a website or provider claims that your letter will be valid for more than a year or even a lifetime, you are being scammed. The only ESA letter that does not need to be renewed is the one for housing.
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6. Benefits of Having an ESA Letter
If you have been struggling with anxiety and depression, you may need to take medication every day and night to keep yourself calm and in a good state of mind. This may not be the most effective treatment or a treatment that is sustainable for the long-term. And for these reasons, emotional support animals have become one of the top options for managing some mental health issues over options that have been around for much longer.
Emotional support animals vs service animals
While discussing the rights of people regarding fair housing, emotional support animals, and service animals are usually collectively termed as “assisting animals.” However, the two are completely different from each other. Emotional support animals do not have the same federal rights to be allowed in all facilities that service animals have a right to be in.
Service animals must be trained to follow the directions of their masters who are physically disabled and unable to perform certain tasks. Many of these animals assist their masters in every task they do and help them with normal everyday life activities.
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On the other hand, emotional support animals do not require any special training. Their purpose is to provide their owner, who is affected by some type of mental health issue, with constant companionship. Because there are no special training requirements, you can have your current pet registered as an emotional support animal instead of finding another that is specifically trained to comfort.
Why get an ESA letter?
The bond between a person and his or her pet is very strong, and this has been clearly understood for a very long time. This gives us insight into why animals can be the perfect companion to those who are struggling with mental illness or loneliness because of their unconditional love and affection.
Benefits of an ESA letter
Research has shown that people who have pets tend to have lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and a better state of mental health than those who do not have pets. These accepted facts help prove the point that the relationship between you and your pet could be the best remedy to reduce your symptoms of a mental disorder.
An emotional support animal can impact your overall health and life by:
- Bringing calmness to the neurotransmitters in your brain
- Helping regulate your anxiety during flights
- Providing a limitless pool of love and care
- Regulating panic attacks and other intense emotions
- Offering the most efficient source of company and social support
- Acting as the perfect complement to other treatments for mental issues
Feeling emotionally unstable? Keep your ESA pet close – Click the button below.
Now here is how an ESA letter can benefit you:
- Your landlord will not be able to charge you a pet fee.
- Airlines must let you fly with your pet without any traveling fee.
- You can take your pet to work with you to help calm your nerves.
- You can have the privilege of enjoying the company of your pet in areas that prohibit animals.
- You don’t have to worry about visiting your doctor’s time and again to get yourself various sorts of pills to keep you calm because always having your pet with you can help avoid mental issues.
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7. Accommodations for People with ESAs
People who have emotional support animals are allowed certain types of accommodations according to federal law. This gives you the freedom to have your pet with you and not worry that you will be harassed for doing so. Two such accommodations are the Fair Housing Act and the Air Carrier Access Act.
Fair Housing Act
Previously, the Fair Housing Act referred to service animals but now includes emotional support animals as assisting animals, too. This law states that people with any type of disability cannot be discriminated against or disregarded in any manner when it comes to housing.
Any rules that are designed to prohibit renters from having animals, including pet bans by landlords are not applicable to those who have a valid ESA letter. Landlords cannot charge a pet fee either to a renter if he or she has an ESA letter.
Accommodations for ESA Owners
Air Carrier Access Act
The Air Carrier Access Act allows people with emotional support animals or service animals to have their pets with them onboard in airplane cabins. All that is required is your ESA letter that serves as proof that you have a mental issue and how your pet can improve that mental health condition.
You do not want to put yourself in a stressful situation while traveling. When planning a trip, you should always contact the air carrier beforehand to make sure you have all the necessary paperwork they might require, avoiding last-minute stress when you arrive at the airport.
Get your ESA letter from licensed medical therapists at ESA Care.
Final Thoughts
Here are some final thoughts we would like to offer on emotional support animals and ESA letters:
- Emotional support animals are the easiest way to deal with stress-related issues. It is not as difficult as many might lead you to believe to obtain an ESA letter.
- It only takes a few simple steps to get an ESA letter for traveling, housing, or both when you have an emotional support animal.
- If you plan to get yourself a valid ESA letter, we recommend that you go through this guide to gain a deeper understanding of the entire process.
- Having an emotional support animal can help you begin to enjoy life again from within your comfort zone with a pet that you love and trust.
And if you have any confusion or questions remaining likw how to get an ESA or about the process to obtain an ESA letter that we did not cover in this guide, please feel free to contact us because we, at ESACare, are always happy to assist you.
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Hi, thanks so much for this information. Could you please clarify this?
1. How much does an ESA letter cost?
2. Is it valid for years or months or it’s a lifetime letter?
Hi Elisha! To get more information about our prices, click on https://esacare.com/esa-pricing-plan/ and an ESA letter is valid for 1 year only.